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PHPDoc Tags

2012/11/16 18:04



Tags are single words prefixed by a "@" symbol. Tags inform parsers how to present information and modify display of documentation as well as allow the IDE to define variable types. All tags are optional, but if you use a tag, they do have specific requirements to parse properly.

Common tags
Tag Usage Description
@abstract   Documents an abstract class, class variable or method.
@access public, private or protected Documents access control for an element. @access private indicates that documentation of element be prevented.
@author author name <author@email> Documents the author of the current element.
@copyright name date Documents copyright information.
@deprecated version Documents a method as deprecated.
@deprec   Same as @deprecated
@example /path/to/example Documents the location of an external saved example file.
@exception   Documents an exception thrown by a method — also see @throws.
@global type $globalvarname Documents a global variable or its use in a function or method.
@ignore   Prevents the documentation of an element
@internal   Private information for advanced developers
@link URL  
@name global variable name Specifies an alias for a variable. For example, $GLOBALS['myvariable'] becomes $myvariable
@magic   phpdoc.de compatibility "phpDocumentor tags". http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLframesConverter/default/phpDocumentor/tutorial_phpDocumentor.howto.pkg.html.
@package name of a package Documents a group of related classes and functions.
@param type [$varname] description  
@return type description This tag should not be used for constructors or methods defined with a void return type.[citation needed]
@see element Documents an association to any element (global variable, include, page, class, function, define, method, variable).
@since version Documents when a method was added to a class.
@static   Documents a static class or method
@staticvar type Documents a static variable's use in a function or class
@throws   Documents an exception thrown by a method.
@todo   Documents things that need to be done to the code at a later date.
@var type A data type for a class variable
@version   Provides the version number of a class or method.

In addition, some parsers allow two additional inline tags: {@id}, used to allow direct linking to sections in a tutorial, and {@toc}, used to generate a table of contents from {@id}s in the file. Think of {@id} like an <a name="idname"> HTML tag as it serves the same function.

For more in depth discussion of PHPDoc tags, see http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLSmartyConverter/PHP/phpDocumentor/tutorial_tags.pkg.html

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